
Episode 123 with Jordan and Ben Brady!

Episode 122 with TJ Chambers!

Probably History Episode 004 - Video Games with David Cope!

Probably History is back! New listeners to Probably Science may not know this, but when you subscribe to ProbSci you also occasionally get a dose of almost-history courtesy of Jesse Case, Richard Bain and Andy Wood. This week they welcome guest comedian and gamer David Cope as they set their sights on the 60+ year history of video/computer gaming, discussing OXO, Tennis for Two, Computer Space, the dude behind Chuck E. Cheese and Atari, the 1972 home console made by Magnavox, the Father of Video Games, Verbot: The 1980s voice-activated robot, Mortal Kombat tactics, Andy's stint working for Xboxthe Rockafire Explosion documentary, Brad Dourif's over-the-top performance in Myst 3: Exile, David and Richard's console recommendations, Leeroy Jenkins, The Call of The Blade, and Braid, the game that everyone agrees you should play.

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Episode 121 with Renee Gauthier and Dr. Kevin Peter Hickerson!

Episode 120 with Dr. Christopher Schmitt!

It's an episode of actual science this week, as Jesse, Matt and Andy welcome primatologist/anthropologist and UCLA postdoctoral research fellow Dr. Christopher Schmitt to the podcast to introduce us to the world of primates and teach us why capucin monkeys stick their fingers in each other's eyes, how to collect howler monkey urine, why certain primates are getting obese, and why it's best not to take selfies with hippo corpses when there are lions around.

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Episode 119 with Adam Buxton!

Episode 118 with Jason Nash!

Episode 117 with Sarah Morgan!

British comedy writer Sarah Morgan collaborated with Probably Science's own Matt Kirshen on BBC Radio 4's Bigipedia, and as she was stateside this week for MaxFunCon we were lucky enough to have her join the proceedings to chat about teaching British comedy, the lyrical prowess of Boynie Toypin, head trauma that created a math savant, children's natural skepticism of circular arguments, Jesse's nightmarish stuffed animals, turning light into matter, why we still don't understand static electricity, Matt chipping his teeth in a children's science museum, the protein that unites sperm and egg, and our first on-air earthquake.

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Episode 116 with Myq Kaplan!

Episode 115 with Paul Provenza and Amber Case, Live from Bridgetown Comedy Festival!

Matt and Andy venture to Portland this week for a live Probably Science from the seventh annual Bridgetown Comedy Festival featuring comedian/director/actor Paul Provenza and cyborg anthropologist Amber Case, who join together to discuss the early days of Comedy Central, confusing The Aristocrats with The Aristocats, Alan Dershowitz consulting on Kids Court, why we're all cyborgs now, computer-induced junk sleep, Andy's discovery about the house he owned in Portland, digital hoarding and royal portraits as proto-Internet dating profile pics.

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Episode 114 with Matt and Jesse!

With Andy off to Portland, and the scheduled guest being drunk, Matt and Jesse take matters into their own hands!  This week, the two of them fumble their way through the topics of: their local Renaissance fair!  Hitler's Parkinson's!  Peeing outdoors!  How to build a pyramid!  Lab rat sexism!  Cheating at Rock, Paper, Scissors!  Traumatic sleepovers!  New Elements!  Meeting Buzz Aldrin!  Also, Stephen Hawking is scared of the robot takeover!  

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Episode 113 with Auggie Smith!

Episode 112 with Bryan Bishop!

Radio personality, author, trivia whiz and cancer survivor Bryan Bishop joins Matt, Andy and Jesse this week to talk about his upcoming book Shrinkage: Manhood, Marriage, and the Tumor That Tried to Kill Me, doctors with less-than-perfect bedside manner, tips on dealing with your own tumor, alternative medicine and the placebo effect, the tumor-shrinking magic of Avastin, the relative merits of MRIs and CT scans, the lunacy of David Arquette, Ringo Starr songs that may have been written by George Harrison, taking home $100,000 on Who Wants To Be a Millionaire and the evolutionary reason why beards are over.

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Bryan Bishop.jpg

Episode 111 with Cara Santa Maria!

Popular science communicator, blogger, fellow podcaster, former real scientist and current excellent person Cara Santa Maria joins Andy, Jesse and Matt at Bluebell Ranch to talk bath salt accuracy, loud chewingAndy's association with the Hillary Clinton shoe-thrower, brain percentages, penis bees, vagina-sewing, mouse muscle growth, cockroach nanobots and pain faces.

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Episode 110 with Beth Donahue!

Recent Nashville-to-Los Angeles transplant Beth Donahue makes her first Probably Science appearance this week, giving her take on LA and chatting with the gang about the debunked stem cell acid bath story, Matt's airplane black box ideas, the fat-burning cream doctors don't want you to know about, liquid water on one of Saturn's moons, women who stay up late and take big risks, Jesse's butt problems, Beth's sleep apnea pacemaker, and what to do if you find $600 on the street.

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Episode 109 with Tara Flynn!

The whole gang is back together this week, welcoming Irish comedian, actress and voice artist Tara Flynn to the proceedings to talk about Fleet Week, Jesse spraying himself with urine before a callback, saving the government $400 million by changing fontscarving off a sliver of Irish Spring soap, a MacGyver microscope that only costs fifty cents, the possibly bullshit phenomenon of autonomous sensory meridian response, a 3D-printed skull, Tara's lack of a sense of smell, the influence of CK1 (not the perfume) on our circadian rhythms, graphene contact lenses that let you see in the dark, the 5 second rule, and Andy's almost-revolutionary inventions.

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Episode 108 with Drs. Larry Price, Jamie Rollins and Janna Levin!

To help us make sense of the biggest cosmology story of recent years, we invited three of our favorite physicists back to the show. Matt and Jesse are joined by an in-studio Dr. Larry Price, and, thanks to technical wizardry, NYC-dwelling Prof. Janna Levin and a Washington State-based Dr. Jamie Rollins, as they talk us through The Big Bang, what Inflation means, what this BICEP2 experiment did, whether it's important, what the Asian guy with the champagne meant when he said “It's five sigma at point two” to the Russian man and woman in that viral video, what was going on with that colder-than-absolute-zero story we didn't understand last week, whether academic journals are glory hunters, how multiverses fit in with this Inflation thing, and what we should take away from the whole story. And Andy missed all this to make sure a TV show about skaters getting hit in the testicles got made.

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Episode 107 with Stefan Pop and Rylee Newton!

We're going Dutch on this week's episode, as Netherlands-based comedian Stefan Pop stops by Bluebell Ranch with TV camera crew in tow, joining writer/comedian Rylee Newton to talk about Dutch insults, the health benefits of orange light, medieval multiverse theories, lightning as a predictor of earthquakes, temperatures below absolute zero and how neanderthals might have yelled.

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Episode 106 with Jimmy Shubert and Matt Davis!